Tumpeng is a traditional indonesian food that has become a tradition in an important celebration. Tumpeng is served as the ultimate food in a traditional ceremony, wedding, inauguration, thanksgiving, and other important memorial. Tumpeng served as a symbol of a form of gratitude to God and for protection and salvation. Tumpeng cutting ceremony in celebration of any commonly called as "Tumpengan". Tumpeng has become a tradition that to this day still remain to be done by the people of Indonesia. Before serving or cutting Tumpeng, there is praying together as a thankfulness to God. Then top of Tumpeng cut and given to people who are considered important in the celebration.You can read more about Tumpeng on this site http://www.nakarasido.com/2012/03/rice-tumpeng-indonesia.html.
*_* Cindy Qarina *_*