Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Angklung is a musical instrument made ​​of bamboo attached to a bamboo frame. Bamboo is made so that it can give rise to a particular sound when driven.
Angklung from West Java, at the time of the kingdom of Sunda, Angklung played a very important role in the event a particular custom or ritual ceremonies are always attached to the Sundanese people to carry their daily lives.
Angklung art was still awake till now due to passed down and ancient ancestors. Over time, Angklung became an international concern, then Angklung performed for education and entertainment.
Click this site to learn about the history of Angklung.
*_* Cindy Qarina *_* 


One more tradition of Indonesian society that Karapan Sapi or Bull Race. Karapan Sapi or Bull Race is tradii of the island of Madura. This tradition has been carried out from the 13th century to the present.
In ancient times cows the only means of transportation in the region Madura, especially for the kingdom and Dutch colonies.
Bull Race is a race cows owned by farmers upon their thanks to God. The cows are decorated as possible and then pitted speed paired with a flight of the other cows pairs and combined by a Jokey.

But over time, this tradition has become controversial because many people say tradition should not be continued due to excessive wear animal power.
Click this site to know more about this tradition.

*_* Cindy Qarina *_* 

What Is Indonesian Traditional Foods ?

Who does not know the traditional Indonesian food? Everyone knows the traditional foods in Indonesia, but only a small group of people who know the ins and outs of traditional foods. Many Indonesian traditional food that can not be found in other countries. Foods in Indonesia is spicy, and unique, have their  own taste. The unique foods in Indonesia is usually using “terasi or belacan”. Indonesian traditional food is also noticed in terms of health. Your travel to Indonesia would not be complete without having its traditional foods. Below are some of those foods you should not miss them when you come to this country.
Indonesia consists of many islands and many provinces. There are five big islands and more than thirty provinces altogether, and each provinces has its own unique traditional foods.
Please check this out :

Languages of Indonesia

Hello guys.
You know what language is used in Indonesia, right? As the people of Indonesia, we all know what language should be used and have become hereditary. Yes, it is Bahasa Indonesia. Indonesian is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia (which is known as Bahasa Indonesia, bahasa means ‘language’.). It was declared as the official language upon independence of the republic in 1945. Over 23 million people speak it and it is the equivalent of a Malay dialect. Now, Indonesia is a large country.  Of its large population, the number of people who speak Indonesian fluently is fast approaching 100%, making Indonesian one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Are you curious about Indonesian ? Please check it out.


Etiquette in indonesia

In indonesia, etiquette is very important. It is the basis of indonesian culture. How to be friendly, how to respect religion, and how to start a conversation with another person. Many foreign like to visit our country because they said the citizen are friendly, polite, respect each other or foreign and always willing to strike up a conversation and interested in connecting with foreigners. Good etiquette in first impression is very important for daily life or in bussines. For example, you can easily to find a job if you have good etiquette. We must have good etiquette to make a good relationship with another people, such as shake hand by right hand. Never use your left hand for anything.
For more information, please check these sites :